Wednesday, September 2, 2015

chicken coop

Back in early spring my roommate Serena and I decided to get with the back yard chicken movement. It has taken me all summer to finish the coop. I'm not even finished now but pretty close. All I need to do now is.....roof it (I want to use shingles), finish the trim and paint.
We searched everyday the breed of chickens. There are so many!  We finally agreed upon....
2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Black Astolorpes, and 2 Easter Eggers.  The 2 Black Astolorpes were 3 days old and the other 4 were 2 weeks old.
We ordered them from down  southern California from a wonderful place called .  They delivered the chicks on July 12th since they deliver to the S.F. bay area on Sundays. Check this place out I highly recommend them.