Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Healing through Gardening

So, my healing process has consisted of Hypnotherapy, meditation, Battered woman's meetings and Gardening.....
Gardening has been the one thing besides meditation that has been my constant through the years.
It is an incredible outlet. Creating a beautiful oasis and sacred space that is all mine and in that space I'm able to meditate and heal...Healing as an ongoing process after abuse...I will always have triggers that take me back to a feeling of helplessness. But by knowing what helps I can always get back to a place of knowing that my life isn't run by my past.
   These pics are the beginning...


I am the worst at procrastinating....my intentions are good, I so want to share my story then life gets busy
A lot of the reasoning behind this is that I just don't remember in a time line way...I get flashbacks of memory or something will trigger a memory.  Like last week my youngest son was driving me home from work and some lady cut him off...he then proceeded to get angry at her and I almost had a panic attack....
My abuser use to have the worst road rage...and I just don't.  I just don't let other drivers get to me, it's my quiet time.  He would go as far as following the driver home, spit on their car or worse...I try to explain to my son and he does get it, to a point..and he never even knew the "abuser"....
So, for those of us out there that can't stand road rage , just drive yourself..